So if we make no other New Year’s resolutions than just this one thing, may we come to God each day, knowing we are heard, invited to make our requests, and encouraged to be expectant that God will answer.
27th October 2023
Dear Church Family,
Looking back
What a wonderful week it’s been at St Matthew’s with our Half Term Holiday Club! We are all exhausted! And we are all full of joy and thanks to God for one of the best Holiday Clubs I can remember. Between 90 and 100 children joined us through the week, we had our largest team of youth helpers ever, and a fantastic group of church families who worked their socks off to give the children an unforgettable experience of fun, games, worship, bible-teaching, sports, dance, drama and all-round encouragement. Please be praying the seeds of Faith, Hope and Love planted in the hearts and minds of the children would bear much fruit in the future.
Looking forward
This Sunday we continue with our exploration of the Ten Commandments in the 10am service and remind everyone that as it’s a fifth Sunday of the month, there is also a Holy Communion service at 11.45am. And although most of us live on smartphones these days which do everything for us, don’t forget the clocks go back an hour on Saturday night – or you might arrive an hour early for the service.
"The joy of the Lord is our strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)
See you on Sunday at either the 10am or the 11.45am,
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube channel
20th October 2023
Dear Church Family,
It’s Half Term already! I can’t quite believe it until I look out of the vicarage window and see everyone scurrying around the site getting ready for the Holiday Club which starts on Tuesday. After a week of ‘red-lining’ it was such a relief to test negative for Covid this morning and to know that I will be able to serve on team. (Kirstie is a couple of days behind me - please pray!).
Our theme for the three days of Holiday Club will be ‘Faith, Hope and Love,”those immortal words penned by Paul the apostle as he wrote his first letter to the Corinthian church under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
“And the greatest of these is love!”
Please be praying for Lynn and the whole team over the coming days that we will all remain in good health and that this amazing Love of God may be powerfully revealed to all of the children and families who attend the Holiday Club next week.
See you on Sunday at either the 10am or the 11.45am,
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube channel

10th October 2023
Dear Church Family,We have all been horrified by the news of what has taken place in Israel & Gaza over the last few days and fear for those who might be caught up in a devastating backlash. I found some comfort in these words this morning:
“I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of his glories and grace. I will boast of all his kindness to me. Let all who are discouraged take heart. Let us praise the Lord together and exalt his name.” Psalm 34:1-3Let's all be praying to the Prince of Peace for peace to be restored to Israel and the Palestinian territories.
On a different note - can you help our worship team?
We are so blessed to have such spirit-filled and talented musicians and singers as Emma and Martin to lead the musical worship at our 10am services and a lovely organ to accompany the 11.45 services. Now we need some help to ensure that we can continue to provide that.
Just over two weeks ago, there was a major failure in the church organ which took out the main blower motor and caused a power surge which damaged the PA mixing desk - a crucial part of our sound system. Both are unplanned expensive items as follows:
Organ blower/motor - £1,314
Replacement PA mixing desk - £949
If you are in a position to be able to help to fund these urgent needs to keep our Sunday worship going, please would you let Pads or Kirstie know. Thank you so much to those who have already given toward this need after it was mentioned this Sunday.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
Youtube channel
29th September 2023
Dear Church Family,
This Sunday at St Matthew's is a wonderful Harvest celebration at 10am followed by our Harvest lunch – the hot main meal is all provided with options to suit everyone, and there are three things we would love you to do:Please bring a harvest gift of either dried, tinned or fresh food.
Join us for the lunch afterwards.
If you can, bring a pudding contribution (optional!)Most of all we’d just like you to be with us as we give thanks to God for the amazing world he has given us to richly enjoy.
“Clap your hands all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. For the Lord Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth!” (Psalm 47: 1-2)
I look forward to seeing you Sunday,
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
Youtube channel
22nd September 2023
Dear Church Family,
The Harvest season is upon us and we have two great opportunities to worship and thank God for his wonderful provision, eat some really delicious food, and spend time with one another.
This Sunday Evening – 6pm - Joint Southcote Churches Harvest Supper at Grange URC (on Circuit Lane) A great event with 3 starters, 3 mains and 3 puddings to choose from! Let us know if you’re coming. (there is no charge!)
Next Sunday 1st October – 10am - All Age Harvest Service at St Matthew’s leading into the church family lunch. A joyful celebration of God’s creation and call, followed by ‘Breaking Bread’ at lunch.
“Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into the Harvest fields.”
See you this Sunday at the 10am or the 11.45am.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube channel
16th September 2023
Dear Church Family,
At the 10am tomorrow morning we will be taking a collection to go towards the relief of both North African disasters in Libya and Morocco.
Tens of thousands of people have lost their lives during this last 10 days in the Moroccan earthquake and the flood in Derna in Libya and hundreds of thousands are injured, bereaved or homeless. It's easy to think there is nothing we can really do to help, but we can do two important things:
- Pray for all who have been affected by the tragedies
- Give toward the relief efforts
So we will be taking a collection tomorrow morning, all of which will go to the relief of those two disasters via the British Red Cross. You will be able to give cash or donate via the 'Tap & Go' card machine on the table by the doors in church. Every little bit counts so we give according to our means with glad hearts for those people, families and children who will receive the help.
See you in the morning, with love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
Youtube Channel
Dear Church Family,
At the 10am on Sunday morning, Henry Ohakah brought us a wonderful exhortation to pray, pray, pray and keep on praying – with the powerful message that rather than prayer being another expectation laid on us as a burden, it is the very thing that ‘encourages us in the Lord’, just as King David was encouraged when disaster had struck his home town of Ziklag and he sought the Lord.
So what better time to put that into practice than the 10 Days of Prayer for Reading from 15th to 25th September when Christians across Reading will gather in a whole series of events to pray for the town – for God’s Kingdom to come and for His will to be done in Reading.
Below this message is the programme of hosted events which you can join in with – St Matthew’s is Monday 18th September at 7.30pm in the church, so do plan to come and join us then – and some of the other events as well happening all across the town.
And 10 Days of Prayer doesn't happen just in Reading. We join with towns and cities all around the world to gather and seek God during these 10 days, and no doubt our prayers will be informed, in part, by the tragedies we've seen unfold this week in Morocco and now Libya. Lord, bring salvation, comfort, healing and restoration, in Jesus Name.
“David found strength in the Lord, his God.” (1 Samuel 30:6)
So why don’t we do the same thing?
With love in Christ,
1st September 2023
Street Pastor Orange Tent at Reading Festival
Dear Church Family,
Last weekend saw the annual ‘pilgrimage’ of more than 100,000 mainly young people to Reading Festival, many of them coming to their first music festival after finishing their GCSE’s or ‘A’ levels. Waiting to greet those who needed some time out, peace and quiet amidst the revelling were around 100 Street Pastors from 50 different churches!
I had the privilege of being on team (together with our Nanda) for two of the days, and many of the Street Pastors had some amazing faith conversationswith the young people who came to the two Street Pastor tents on site. It is so encouraging to see the churches in Reading working together to be good news and bring good news to the festival goers.
Jesus said about his followers:
“You are the Salt of the Earth” and the “Light of the World”,
and I am absolutely convinced that literally thousands of festival goers tasted that salt and saw that light as they came into contact with the Street Pastor teams on the festival site. Maybe you'd like to join us next year?
I will share a little more of some of the conversations we had on Sunday morning, so see you then.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
St Matts YouTube channel
25th August 2023
Born again! The wonderful drama of baptism.
Dear Church Family,
Sunday was the most wonderful celebration of new birth in baptismfollowed by a fantastic party afterwards around the BBQ! Just click on the picture to see a 4-minute replay of those key moments.
Please be praying for all those who went through the water, and see you this Sunday at either the 10am or the 11.45.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
St Matts YouTube channel
16th August 2023
Come and celebrate the baptisms this Sunday & join the BBQ afterwards.
Dear Church Family,
On Sunday, six adults will say the words:
This Sunday is a BIG DAY!Baptisms
Lionesses (will be shown on big screen in church hall after the service)Our baptism candidates are getting quite excited about this Sunday, and they would love you all to come to the service to celebrate with them and join them for the BBQ afterwards. We would also really appreciate your help to make it a great celebration in one of the following ways:
Saturday 9.30am – Help to put up the Gazebo’s next to the church hall – please let Pads know.
Sunday 11.15am – Help to set up tables, chairs, etc. – please let Kirstie or Lynn know.
Sunday 12.15pm – Help to serve food – please let Kirstie or Lynn know.
Sunday 1.30pm – Help to clear up, wash up etc. – please let Kirstie know.
And if you can bring a dish, salad or pudding, that would be amazing, but don't worry if you can't - there will be plenty of food! Let us know how you could help!
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
St Matts YouTube channel
9th August 2023
Dear Church Family,
Isaiah the prophet wrote: “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.”
Why should we seek God? Isn’t He everywhere? And didn’t Kirstie preach on Sunday that he comes looking for his lost sheep? So, must He be found?
I’ve been thinking about that question a lot this week, and I think watching the film Oppenheimer crystallised the answer more clearly than anything else could have done. Something has gone terribly wrong with our world for which human beings have no answer. Only God has.
And so, as the prophet said, we need to seek God and then call on Him while He is near, because if we do that, we will know what to do, and turn back to the one who, through Jesus, freely pardons. Amidst the almost numbing sense of hopelessness caused by war, the threat of nuclear war, displacement, environmental destruction, global warming, and poverty, we must hold onto the truth that we are loved and created to love – which was the theme of the other, but much more beautiful film I watched recently – The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse – which deeply warmed my soul.
I think everyone should watch them both – but don’t make my mistake – watch Oppenheimer first!
Grace and Peace,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
St Matts YouTube channel
2nd August 2023
28th July 2023
Dear Church Family,
At homegroup last night we were thinking about the question, “Who has inspired you by their faith in difficult circumstances?” And what was so encouraging was that whilst we could so easily, and quite rightly, have named such giants of the faith as the Apostle Paul and any of the great martyrs down the ages, the names that were shared were those of local Christians or family members whose faith had shined through despite some very tough circumstances.
One of the great privileges of my role in the church family is to share life and faith with brothers and sisters in Christ in some of the most joyful situations as well as some of the most painful – and my own faith is constantly inspired by the faithfulness, the compassion and the grace shown by the people of St Matthew’s. There is no substitute for Christian community. As the writer of Hebrews said,
“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Heb 10:25)
One of my daily prayers is that love would grow within the church family – and I am always encouraged when I see that it does.
Grace and peace,
10am News Sheet
St Matts YouTube channel
Dear Church Family,
It’s been quite a week, with horrifying wildfires in Greece caused by the hottest July weather ever recorded; the US Congress being told of UFO’s and extra-terrestrials; Russia downing tools on allowing Ukrainian grain to feed the world; the latest coup in Africa; many politicians seeming to act chiefly in the interests of their political careers. I think Chris was right when he said two weeks ago, ‘Don’t watch too much news!’
It all sounds a bit fearful – and that’s why the good news is so important. Despite all that’s going on around us, we see God’s Kingdom coming in the community of faith we call St Matthew’s of which we are all family members, brothers and sisters in Christ. The signs are hopeful, with new groups forming, new people attending church and several people feeling called to be baptised on August 20th.
In a world where the messaging so often portrays the negative and self-interest, Jesus still says to those who follow Him, “A new commandment I give you; love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” When we do that, we show an alternative reality to the world – a reality full of love instead of fear.
See you on Sunday morning at 10am or 11.45.
Grace and peace,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
St Matts YouTube channel
19th July 2023
Dear Church Family,
It’s often said that the safest place to be is in the centre of God’s will. And I believe this to be true.
I believe too that it is important to make the church a safe place for everyone who comes to St Matthew’s. So I’m delighted to say that Amy Cadle has offered to serve as our new Parish Safeguarding Officer, making sure that all good safeguarding practices are followed, and being the person anyone can come to with concerns.
Please wish Amy well in her new role, and join us on Sunday in praying for her in the 10am service.
Summer Market in Coronation Square
The Southcote community is putting on a Summer Market this Saturday from 11-3pm on the square and St Matthew’s is providing a food outlet in the form of a BBQ (one of our strengths!), so do please drop by during the market and visit us, or if you can help on team to cook or serve the food and drinks, let us know and we’ll bring you onto the team.
See you soon, with love in Christ,

The mass baptism at Pirate's Cove in Newport Beach, USA, last weekend
12th July 2023
Dear Church Family,
I am hearing a lot about people being baptised at the moment. Last Sunday, whilst we sang and prayed together in church, in quite a remarkable event on the other side of the world, 4,500 people were being baptised at Pirates Cove, Newport Beach, California, scene of the baptisms in the Jesus Revolution of the 1960’s (subject of the recent film).
I heard this morning that several Iranians were baptised at Greyfriars Church on Sunday. On Sunday afternoon I was at an Alpha conference at St Mary’s, Andover, where another Iranian woman told the story of her family’s flight from Iran following the discovery of the house church they attended – and her subsequent recent baptism at St Mary’s.
After hearing the disciple Philip explain the gospel to him, the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts chapter 8, said to him, “Look, here is water! What can stand in the way of my being baptised?” And the rest is history!
On 20th August we will be baptising a number of adults in the 10am service at St Matthew’s which I know will be a wonderfully joyful event. So I wanted to make a further invitation to anyone who has not been baptised or who would like to affirm the baptismal vows made for them as a child, to let us know if you’d like to join the others.
See you Sunday at 10am,
Grace and peace,
10am News Sheet
YouTube channel
29th June 2023
Dear Church Family,
We believe in a God who heals through his son, Jesus Christ. This Sunday at 10am we have a service with a focus on prayer for healing, and a guest speaker, Nusrat Sultan, who came to faith in Jesus out of an orthodox Muslim background who is going to share her story as well as focus on Jesus, our healer.
This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends and family who do not normally come to church to come along with you and receive healing prayer. Only yesterday I prayed for someone who was suffering terrible pain, and today when I visited them they were much improved, and I’m still praying for complete healing. God is good!
“Lord, my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me,” so wrote the psalmist. (30:2)
A healing service is always a great opportunity to witness to God’s goodness, so please plan to join us on Sunday and invite friends, loved ones, or neighbours to come along – and they are all most welcome to join us for the BBQ as well.
Grace and peace,
10am News Sheet
YouTube channel
26th June 2023
Dear Church Family,
This is just a very brief message to say that Kirstie and I saw the film Jesus Revolution at Reading Showcase Cinema last night and found it inspirational, moving and highly entertaining! According to the Showcase booking site, it is only running for two more evenings at 7:10pm today and tomorrow. So if you get the opportunity, don't miss it.
It is a fascinating insight into one of the great Christian revivals of the 20th century.
With much love, grace and peace,

A section of the Iona to Lindisfarne pilgrimage trail.
23rd June 2023
Dear Church Family,
Kirstie and I have just returned from two weeks in South Africa which was a chance to spend time with our daughter and her family, to immerse ourselves in the African bush, and to slow down a bit – at least as three grandsons 6 and under allow you to!
We are both hugely enjoying and being inspired by Pete Greig’s Lectio 365*pilgrimage devotionals as he walks from Iona to Lindisfarne and would like to share with you something which has inspired him to slow down a bit. He recounts the advice of John Muir after whom the trail in named, who advocated ‘sauntering’ rather than hiking.
As he explains, back in the middle ages people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land and when asked where they were going they would reply, “A la sainte terre”, “To the Holy Land”. And so they became known as sainte-terre-ers or saunterers. (don’t you love that?)
And so Pete explains that it makes him think that maybe one of the ways we can make our journeys through the coming day a mini-pilgrimage, and the places we stand holy ground, is simply to saunter. By slowing down we can become more present to the people that we meet, and to the presence of the God whose name is ‘I Am’ in each passing moment.
Speaking as one who knows just how much he needs to slow down!
See you Sunday,
May God bless you with grace and peace,
*Lectio 365 is a Christian devotional free App which you can download onto Android or Apple
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube channel
2nd June 2023
Dear Church Family,
I want to thank you so much for your prayers for my sister Sarah, with Myeloma, which are being answered in a wonderful way. After her first month’s chemo treatment, the percentage of blood cells with cancer is trending downwards very encouragingly and if this continues she will be well enough later in the year for a stem cell transplant. In the meantime she has virtually no symptoms, no pain, and is living a pretty full life. Please do continue to pray for all those on our weekly prayer list on the news sheet – it really makes a difference – God hears our prayers.
“The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.”(Psalm 6:9)
I would love to encourage you to go along to the “All Creation Waits” event at the Globe on Sunday evening at 7.00pm which is an evening of worship and prayer for the whole church of Reading - and an opportunity to hear some great stories of the many ways in which God is at work in our town. (details are on the news sheet - link below).
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning at 10am as our service focuses on the theme of God’s amazing grace.
Grace and peace,
10am News Sheet
Youtube channel
26th May 2023
Dear Church Family,
Pentecost is often known as the birthday of the church - the day when God's Spirit set those first followers of Jesus on fire to take the good news of the gospel out into the world. It's the same fire that drove William Wilberforce to dedicate his life to the abolition of the salve trade nearly 200 years ago, and Martin Luther King to fight for justice for black people in the States last century. And it's the same fire which sends Street Pastors out onto the streets of our town and our community, which inspires our church family to offer warmth, food, and friendship to the people of Southcote, and which motivates our hearts to share the good news of Jesus in our homes, our workplaces and our communities.
Jesus said: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
I am so looking forward to celebrating the birthday of the church with you this Sunday at both the 10am and the 11.45 services. Let's be praying that our hearts will once again be set on fire with the love of Jesus!
Grace and Peace,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube channel
19th May 2023
Dear Church Family,
I love to hear stories of lives transformed by the good news of Jesus. Here’s one well worth hearing from Tracy Watkins, who is coming to preach at St Matthew’s on 18th June.
“I must share with you both that a distant cousin who was addicted to drugs and alcohol, suicidal and basically at rock bottom, heard the Good News of the Gospel and in his own words ‘was transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit’ seven years ago. He contacted me this week as he’s only just heard news of my ordination and he told me how he’s been called to preach on the streets of his city, is often persecuted (coffee thrown in his face and his speakers kicked around) but is full of joy. He goes into the dangerous areas where the drug dealers and addicts hang out (he knows them well of course!) and speaks to them of the hope he has in Jesus. I haven’t seen him for at least 15 years and remember him as a very withdrawn lad but when we prayed together over the phone, he prayed with passion and confidence. I was completely bowled over! Why should I be so amazed?! I was so humbled and challenged to be reminded again that there is no place of human brokenness where Jesus cannot reach! Praise God! A reminder to keep praying and remembering that we are clothed in the power of the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses! Alleluia! Amen!”
Isn’t that a great encouragement to never stop praying for all those God lays on our hearts? See you Sunday as we continue our exploration of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
Youtube channel
10th May 2023
Dear Church Family,
What a weekend! And what a coronation! St Matthew’s hosted and fed almost 100 adults and children on Saturday for our Coronation event – thank you so much to all who helped to make it such a special time for our community. The face painting table was particularly busy! Well done to Emma and Louise and others for their great artistry!
Louise and Emma
We have two events this Saturday. The first is for us boys as we gather at the vicarage at 8am for our men’s breakfast. Please let me know if you’re coming.
And on Saturday evening a team of Street Pastors, from St Matthew’s and others from across Reading, are being commissioned at a celebration service at Greyfriars Church at 7pm. Do come and join us and hear some great stories from the streets. Bring friends and family too!

This Sunday Dr David will bring the second in our new Summer Sermon Series based on Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church which beautifully describes the blessings of being citizens in the Kingdom of God.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” (Eph 1:3)
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning at the 10am or the 11.45am, if not before.
Grace and Peace!
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube channel
26th April 2023
Dear Church Family,
Well done to everyone who was there on Sunday for our Family Time Quiz on ‘Does the Bible Say?’ I think the church family definitely passed with distinction as you carefully spotted the often repeated quotes which were NOT in the scriptures! And thank you to Ian for walking us down the Emmaus Road and encouraging us in our Bible knowledge.
I would like to highlight two key events which are happening, one this weekend, and the other next:
ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING – this Sunday at 11.30am after the 10am service, we review the ministry and mission of St Matthew’s over the previous year, elect our wardens and PCC and look forward to the future. There will be plenty of tea, coffee and cake to help us along!
Coronation Event at St Matthew's - Sat 6th May from 10am & BBQ lunch
As there are no Southcote community organised events for the day of the Coronation we have decided to screen the Coronation live on the big screens in the church and invite church family and people from the community to join us in celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III and enjoy a BBQ lunch afterwards.
10am onwards - church open with tea/coffee all morning.
All day - live coverage of the Coronation on the large screens in church
Lunchtime (1.00 - 2.00pm) - BBQ with hot dogs, burgers and saladsDo please let us know if you are coming (for catering numbers), and if you can help on the day please let Kirstie know. We hope to have fun, fellowship and contact with the wider community as we celebrate the Coronation together.
With love in Christ,
10am News sheet
Youtube channel

22nd April 2023
Dear Church Family,
The Easter holidays seem to have come and gone in a flash! I hope and pray that the first week of school has started well for all teachers, children and parents.
I love the Sundays after Easter as we reflect on, and are inspired by, the resurrection stories in the gospels. Tomorrow, in both services, we will be opening up the incredible journey of two followers of Jesus who encountered him whilst walking home to Emmaus following the momentous events in Jerusalem that first Easter weekend. It is one of the most powerful accounts in the Bible of how the risen Jesus meets us in our everyday lives.
"Were not our hearts burning within us?" (Luke 24:32)
I look forward to seeing you in the morning,
With love in Christ,
10am News sheet
11.45am Service sheet
Youtube channel
6th April 2023
Dear Church Family,
At Easter, we remember and celebrate the momentous climax of Christianity. The whole story of God’s dealings with humanity from the very beginning of the Bible culminate in a showdown in Jerusalem as the gospels focus in on three days in history when Jesus took on the powers of evil and death, and, surprising even his closest followers, pulled off the most remarkable victory!
Join us as we enter into the story on Good Friday and celebrate its conclusion on Easter Sunday.
10am Good Friday Walk of Witness – we gather to leave Southcote Family Church at 10am as we walk with the cross through our community, arriving at St Matthew’s for the 10.30 service.
10.30am Good Friday Service at St Matthew’s – we spend a reflective hour entering into the story of the hours leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, getting inside the minds of both those who followed Jesus and those who wanted him dead. After the service we will be serving refreshments and hot cross buns.
10.00am Easter Sunday – a family service, suitable for children of all ages, when we joyfully celebrate the discovery of the empty tomb and the realisation that Jesus had risen from the dead.
11.45am Easter Sunday – a traditional communion service celebrating the resurrection with organ hymns, Easter readings, and communion. Arrive any time after 11am for tea, coffee and cake in the church hall before the service begins.
Easter is such a special time – I look forward to being together with you in our Easter worship,
With love in Christ,
24th March 2023
Dear Church Family,
This Sunday in our 10am service we have the dramatic finale of Jesus’Sermon on the Mount – and it’s a challenge to make the choice of a lifetime!
“Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice...” Matt 7:24
And we get a foretaste of Easter at the 11.45am Holy Communion as Kirstie unpacks the story of the death and resurrection of Lazarus.
So have fun dodging the showers, and don’t forget to put the clocks forwardtomorrow evening, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning,
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube Channel
22nd March 2023
Dear Church Family,
What a lovely Mothering Sunday service we had this week – with great contributions from many in the congregation about what it means to live as family in the church. And how we were spoiled after the service with flowers and homemade scones and cakes! Thank you to all the children and their leaders for blessing us so wonderfully. If you missed Kirstie’s talk, you can find it here.
Several people were struck by this quote from John McGinley’s new book, The Church of Tomorrow, which I shared on Sunday:
“When the lordship of Jesus is settled as a question in a Christian’s life, all other issues are settled.”
Paul the apostle wrote that ‘If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.’ (Rom 10.9) And to live the Christian life means Jesus being Lord of everything – our home, our families, our work, our finances, our play, our ambitions, our politics, our sexuality and everything in between.
Being a Christian isn’t easy, but it’s simple and the most freeing thing we can do, if we make Him Lord of all.
See you at Lent Central tonight at 7.30pm if you can join us,
With love in Christ,
15th March 2023
Dear Church Family,
Mothering Sunday (coming up this weekend) is the fourth Sunday of Lent. Although it's popularly called Mothers' Day, traditionally it was a day when children, who had often been sent off at a very young age to work as domestic servants, were given a day off to visit their families, who would all go to church in the morning and then celebrate their reunion with a Sunday lunch afterwards.
Not all of us are mothers, but we all have, or have had, mothers, and the mothering instinct is even clear in the words of Jesus when he looked at the wayward Jerusalem and said:
“How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.”
So join us this Sunday at 10am when Kirstie will be helping us discover more from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and Lynn will get the children involved in something special which will be a blessing to all of us gathering for Mothering Sunday.
With love in Christ,
10am New sheet
Youtube channel
10th March 2023
The After-School Hub getting a grant from the John Sykes Foundation
Dear Church Family,
It's not why we do it, of course, but it's good to see St Matthew's ministry to our local community being recognised and rewarded by grant-awarding bodies like the John Sykes Foundation when we were visited last week to receive the cheque! Why we do it, is to show and share the love of Jesus to the world around us - to warm hearts as well as bodies in this cold weather!
What I love about all of the outreach initiatives that the church family have started in the last 9 months:
- Street Pastors
- SouthTots
- Winter Warmers
- After School Warm Hub
is the way that all of them, in their different ways, are building community, connecting people into church life, opening conversations and creating new friendships. The prophet Micah reminds us that:
"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
I feel that all of these different ways in which we reach and serve the community in this part of Reading would match the spirit of Micah's words.
See you Sunday at either 10am or 11.45am,
With love in Christ,
10am New sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube channel
3rd March 2023
Dear Church Family,
It’s the end of another week, and the start of the weekend. What have you been chasing all week?
A business opportunity? A plumber to fix a leak? A friend who’s hard to get hold of? A particular purchase you are keen to make? The bottom of your to-do list? Your tail? Peace and quiet? A good night’s sleep? A time to read your bible? A moment to pray? A chance to tell someone you love them?
As we journey on through Lent and explore further into Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, he gives us some clues about what we might want to be looking for if we desire a truly fulfilled life.
“So do not worry about what you will eat or drink or what you will wear, for the pagans run after all these things, but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness.” Matt 6:31-32
Whatever could he have meant by this? Let’s explore this together on Sunday morning at our 10am service. I look forward to seeing you there,
With love in Christ,
10am New sheet
Youtube channel
28th February 2023
Dear Church Family,
I so enjoyed David's talk on Sunday morning on the spiritual disciplines of giving, praying and fasting especially his observation that:
There are two types of 'Sayings of Jesus': those you don't understand, and those you do, but wish you didn't!'
Jesus is always incredibly loving, and incredibly challenging! If you missed it, here's the link: Give, Pray, Fast.
We are looking forward to seeing as many of you who can join our Lent Central groups tomorrow evening at 7.30pm. If you haven't signed up yet, just come along and join in on the night.
With love in Christ,
21st February 2023
Dear Church Family,
Our Lent got off to a great start on Wednesday with our Ash Wednesday communion in the morning and more people than ever before attending the prayer and worship evening. It was a special time.
There has also been much interest after Kirstie’s talk on Loving our enemieslast Sunday in something called The Forgiveness Project which is highlighted in an exhibition and conversation with its founder, Marina Cantacuzino, at Reading University on March 7th. There is a link below with more information. I have ordered her book ‘Forgiveness: an Exploration’.
This Sunday Dr David is going to help us explore the three spiritual disciplines taught by Jesus to his disciples during the Sermon on the Mount: Give, Pray, Fast – as we journey on through Lent with the aim of deepening our relationship with God and walking the way of the Cross.
“And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6: 4,6,18)
And don’t forget to sign up to one of the Lent Central courses on the link below or in church on Sunday.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Link to Lent Course sign up
Link to The Forgiveness Project
Link to Youtube channel
21st February 2023
Dear Church Family,
Lent has arrived! - a special season when God's people have traditionally put time aside to seek God at a deeper and more intimate level. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, and there are two opportunities to come together to seek God at the outset of Lent, and also an invitation to join us on a journey through Lent on one of our Lent Central groups.
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion 10.30am - with 'Ashing' when you can commit to a deeper walk with God as we anoint you with the sign of the cross made with the ash of last year's palm crosses in anointing oil as a sign of repentance at the start of Lent.
Ash Wednesday Prayer and Worship Evening - 7.30pm - when we come together in the church to seek God at the start of Lent in an informal setting where we seek the leading of Word and Spirit to draw us closer to God and to Jesus.
On the subsequent Wednesdays through Lent we will be hosting Lent Central at 7.30pm each week as we did last year, when you can choose one of three groups in which to grow in our knowledge, in our faith and in our gifts to equip us to show God's love to world. The three streams are:
1. Listening to God (with a focus on spiritual gifts)
2. Sharing our faith
3. The Bible Course
If you know which one you would like to be part of, please click on this 'choose your group' link to indicate your first and second choices to help us plan for the first session on Wednesday 1st March.
Looking forward to seeing all those who can join us tomorrow for morning, evening or both as we follow the advice of Isaiah the prophet:
"Seek the Lord while he may be found;"
With love in Christ,
17th February 2023
Dear Church Family,
We thrive on good news, don’t we? So here’s some good news!
We had a wonderful Half Term Holiday Club with around 85 children coming each day enjoying brilliant fun and games, worship and bible teaching, sports and crafts, and much more besides. The theme of the week was the very good news that “Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.” And many of the children said they wanted Jesus to be their special friend! A big THANK YOU and well done to Lynn and the whole team. It was such a special week.
Our Crowd-funder for the ‘Church Hub’ (which seems to be a name gaining ground) has reached over £8000 when gift aid is included and we’ve got 3 days left to get match funding if anyone would like to contribute on the link below. This means we should be able to upgrade our kitchen (certainly our cooker!) and be able to feed more people. Thank you all for your amazing generosity!
Last week we explored what ‘Living with Integrity’ looks like, and this Sunday, as we continue our series on the Sermon on the Mount, we’ll be asking what Jesus meant when he said ‘Love your enemies’. Sounds challenging! Come and join us!
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
Warm Hub Crowdfunding
Youtube Channel
10th February 2023
Dear Church Family,
I love to hear stories of changed lives and this week I got a really encouraging phone call from PC Simon Wheeler, who was our local police officer responsible for Southcote until recently. Simon was also instrumental, along with Sally Leonard, in encouraging the startup of Southcote’s Street Pastors last summer, which has proved a great blessing to the community.
Simon told me about the many ways he has felt God speaking into his life in recent years, and how this has culminated with him planning to be baptised in May this year at his now local village church in Berkshire. It’s so encouraging to see how seeds sown over many years since he first got involved with the start up of Street Pastors in the town centre have grown and blossomed in his life.
As we continue our exploration of Jesus’ challenging Sermon on the Mount, we move on from last week when we looked at God’s perfect plan for human flourishing and sexual relationships (link here), to thinking this Sunday about living with integrity with respect to the words we speak and the promises we make. Jesus said:
“Simply let your yes be yes, and your no, no.” (Matt 5:37)
See you at either our 10am or 11.45am on Sunday,
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Warm Hub Crowdfunding
Youtube Channel
1st February 2023
Dear Church Family,
I loved Steve’s explanation of ‘grace’ on Sunday morning as he took us on a journey from the motives of our hearts, to the call of Jesus to a higher standard in the Sermon on the Mount, to the frightening destination for unrepentant hearts, to the beautiful righteousness gifted to us through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:22). And he used this acronym to sum up God’s grace:
G.R.A.C.E = God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.
If you missed it, here’s the link to Steve's talk.
I feel so thankful to God for the people of St Matthew’s, for those who have been part of the church family for many decades, for those who have just recently joined us, and everyone in between - for the wonderful ways in which you bring glory to God as you serve both church and community.
I give thanks to God too, for Paul Elford, whose Service of Thanksgiving is this Saturday at 12noon at Kennet Valley Free Church. Everyone is welcome.
This coming Sunday our journey will take us on into challenging territory regarding human relationships, their ups and their downs, and God’s heart for them.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
Warm Hub Crowdfunding
Youtube Channel
27th January 2023
A frozen walk (left), Parmoor (top right), St Mary's Turville (btm right), Andy inside (centre)
Dear Church Family,
This week I had the privilege of getting away on a 3-day retreat to St Katherine’s, Parmoor, in the beautiful Chiltern hills in Buckinghamshire, from which time I came away with two main insights:
God is in everything (Col 1: 15-17) and he was certainly in the detail of the 8-mile walk which took in Turville, the village where the Vicar of Dibley was filmed. As I entered what I expected to be an empty church, I found myself sharing bread and wine with the village faithful and, lo and behold, the minister presiding was Andy Storch, a long time friend who preached to us beautifully on the conversion of Saul. It was such a blessing.
Be faithful in the tasks to which I have called you (Hebrews 1:12) this was more personal but in case it’s helpful, I share it. We so often worry that somehow we are missing out on, or falling short of, what might have been or what others expect of us. But I felt a powerful sense of God saying, ‘all I ask of you is that you are faithful to what I have called you to do,’ and that calling, for me, (albeit a great calling!), is to serve God’s people at St Matthew’s and the community of Southcote – no more, no less. And I came away with a great peace about that.
I know it’s hard to find the time – this was my first proper retreat since pre-Covid - but it’s so well worth it. If you can bless someone by encouraging them to get away, (as Kirstie did me), you will be doing them a great service in helping them ‘find rest for their souls’. (Matt 11:28-30)
See you at 10am on Sunday for our next venture into the Sermon on the Mount, and if you would like to contribute to our crowdfunding project for the Warm Hub for the community, please click on the link below. Thank you.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
Warm Hub Crowdfunding
Youtube Channel
18th January 2023
Dear Church Family,
On Sunday morning Kirstie encouraged us to take up the challenge of Jesusto be salt and light in the world (link here). It seems from the amazing feedback we got from the after-school Warm Hub that that’s exactly what was going on last Friday. Here are some of the comments which were received by Lynn after we welcomed 40+ people to a warm space and a hot meal:
"The hub was like going to a family party with a bunch of local strangers that weren't strangers by the end of it!"
"The situation for families at the moment is so difficult and the few hours after school is a respite which is much needed in the community."
"We were provided with a delicious and nutritious meal. I was given some food to take away to help my family. Myself and my daughter were able to join in with a fun game. Children were provided with toys, games and resources that wouldn’t normally be available to them. Most importantly I was able to relax and enjoy myself which was great for my mental health and well-being."
"Friday was amazing. I loved every minute of being part of such a lovely group. The world is a lonely place and being somewhere you feel welcome and part of is so lovely!”
This is really good news and we look forward to blessing the communitymore and more over the coming weeks and months.
Join us this coming Sunday as we continue our exploration of the great Sermon on the Mount and allow Jesus’ teaching to enrich and empower our lives.
With love in Christ,
10am News Sheet
11.45am Service Sheet
Youtube Channel