Bible Resources
Explanations of Bible books accompanied by engaging creative animations
Unlocking the Bible
David Pawson teaches his way through the books. Excellent overview, extremely easy to listen to. A few controversial aspects.
Chuck Missler, through the Bible in 24 hours
Interesting, but slightly academic and a little esoteric in places!
An 8-session course that assumes little prior knowledge.
There are a few good teachers also worth hearing although they don’t go through the Bible systematically, e.g. John Piper
Very popular, easy to use, multiple translations available. Can also buy online commentaries through the website but range not as extensive as the Olive Tree app.
Links to Greek and Hebrew, 14 English translations plus Septuagint and other ancient sources, interlinear, concordances, dictionaries, commentaries, Strong’s numbers – an incredibly versatile resource for detailed Bible study, but not suitable for daily reading.
Olive Tree
Can be downloaded to any device, after which no internet connection is needed. Highly flexible tool with vast array of Bible versions, commentaries and study tools. The app is free but most of the vast array of e-books are not (but a few are).
Bible Gateway
Bible in One Year
Only for Apple devices at present. Provides emails and you can sign up to a daily email from Nicky Gumbel with a commentary on the verses / thought for the day.
Bible-reading app with additional meditations, and ability to log prayer requests
Audio Bibles
Available from Olive Tree or Bible Gateway but David Suchet reads the NIV on Bible Gateway. He also has an Apple app entitled “NIV Audio Bible: David Suchet” that costs a tenner.
How to read the Bible for all it’s worth by Gordon Fee